Nocturna on French TV
Jan 28,2019

The Zadig Trio is happy to introduce its newest video, NOCTURNA, available on YouTube and Culturebox!
Rachmaninov | Trio Elegiac No.1 in g minor
Beethoven | Trio op 70 No. 1 "Ghost"" in D Major
Schönberg | Verklärte Nacht (arr. Steuermann)
This one hour long film was made by Gaultier Durhin. It touches upon the multiple aspects of the night: agitated, calm, mysterious, astonishing... An invitation to immerse yourself in these poetic images, revealing different nocturnal facets of Rachmaninov, Beethoven and Schönberg.
This project was made with the support of Films Figures Libres, France TV, Culturebox and ViàOccitanie.